Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Inglesh iz ard too espeek!

I haven't really posted anything about the fantastic and wonderful world of English linguistics yet. As you may have noticed, I have found a few really fun linguistic websites and collected them on my side bar with the rest of my blogs. Here are a few funny pictures I found online. Enjoy!

Play sports or hobbits...I'm too tall, it wouldn't work for me...


Uh....? Sully? Maybe for Sully in Monster's Inc.!

Treasure the use...need I say more?

Only on the digestive track.


Oh...that does not look good...

Could you get my toenails while you're at it?

Yes, avoid gnashing head on rocks...

I have got to get me one of these!

How many times can we use different cases of 'smoke' in one sentence?

Do you mean, Thank you for coming??

And this is why I am an English teacher...

Yikes! Stay out of that park!

Finally! They have a place for them!! Food for all now!!


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