Friday, April 18, 2008


This morning, I awoke half-conciously to an earthquake! It had hit in West-Salem, Illinois and all around - we felt the aftershock (along the Wabash Valley Fault Zone)! It was reported that people in the loop in Chicago felt it and even a building in Louisville was damaged because of it. Crazy! I have never been in an earthquake!

I thought it was a dream - so I went back to sleep thinking it was nothing. Then, I got up and checked statuses on facebook - people left comments like "felt the quake at 5:30", etc. Then, I went to the student center and heard people talking about it, too! It was real! Wow! People in CA would be laughing at me, but hey! I survived my first quake! Yippie!

So, finals are next week. Dad reminded me last night on the phone to praise Him for everything - to be thankful in "all things." So, although my best friends are graduating and I will be a fifth year, I am thankful -- so thankful-- for the time we were allowed to have. It has truly changed my life. They are my best friends - my kindred spirits - my sisters. I am thankful, because God has used them greatly in my life.

And, I need to be thankful for my work load. God has allowed me to study - something I LOVE - and even though I can get really overwhelmed at the stuff left to do, God will enable me to accomplish it. And for those things, I will praise Him, because I know that I cannot do them on my own. I am thankful for the last two papers, notebook, and two tests I have to study for and complete. I am thankful - because He has allowed all of it. Thank-you, Father.

Take up the shield of Faith and Fix your eyes on Jesus - the author and perfecter of our Faith - He will not let us down.

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